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Are you tired of hiding your smile in photographs or feeling insecure about your teeth? Envision shows a flawlessly aligned, luminous smile that illuminates any space. Dalton Family & Cosmetic Dentistry recognizes the transforming impact of an attractive smile, which is why we are excited to present SureSmile®. This new technology of a clear aligner system is enhancing lives one smile at a time.

Imagine this: With your teeth straightened, you’re radiating confidence at a job interview or first date, rather than fretting about your crooked teeth. This is possible with SureSmile®, and it’s easier to use than you imagine. It is more than just another clear aligner; with its state-of-the-art technology and customized treatment programs, it’s your pass to the smile of your dreams.

Are you prepared to start down the path to a healthier, straighter smile? Learn how SureSmile® may improve your smile and confidence without breaking the bank by reading on. At Dalton Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, the path to a flawless smile begins here.

The SureSmile® Advantage

Precision and Efficiency

Is a groundbreaking orthodontic treatment technique, not just another clear aligner system. SureSmile® creates a digital model of your teeth using cutting-edge 3D modeling and imaging technology, allowing for unprecedented treatment planning precision. When compared to other aligner systems or traditional braces, this means faster results and fewer changes.

Comfort and Convenience

One great thing about SureSmile® is that it’s straightforward to wear. The braces are made of smooth plastic that doesn’t contain BPA and is cut to fit your teeth properly. It doesn’t have any wires or sharp edges that could hurt your mouth. Plus, you can take them off, which is not possible with regular braces. This makes it easy to eat, drink, brush, and clean.

Virtually Invisible

Braces are almost hard to see when they are on. This means that you can fix your teeth without making them stand out, which can happen with regular metal braces. Anyone can make their smile better, whether they are in school or work. This is something you can do without drawing attention to the fact that you are getting braces.

Faster Treatment Times

Often works faster than other types of orthodontic care because it uses state-of-the-art tools and careful planning. It takes different people a while to get better, but for many, a few months is all it takes to see big changes. You can now enjoy your new smile more and have your braces off for longer.

Predictable Results

You don’t just hope for good results with SureSmile®; you can see them before the treatment even starts. The 3D modeling technology lets us show you a virtual picture of how your teeth will move while you are getting treatment. This not only helps you picture the result, but it also lets you make any changes that are needed before the treatment begins.

Personalized Treatment Plans

Because every smile is different, we at Dalton Family & Cosmetic Dentistry know how to treat each one. Because of this, we work closely with you to make a SureSmile® treatment plan that fits your wants and goals. You can get the best results for your case by customizing your treatment. This is true whether you have problems with crowding, space, or bite.

Cost-Effective Solution

One of the best things about SureSmile® is how affordable it is. SureSmile® often costs less than other high-end clear aligner names like Invisalign® while still giving great results. This makes it easier to get the smile of your dreams without lowering the quality or results.

Improved Oral Health

Having straight teeth is important for your oral health as well as how they look. When your teeth are in the right place, they are easier to clean, which lowers your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. You are not only investing in a beautiful smile when you choose SureSmile®; you are also investing in your general oral health.

No Dietary Restrictions

In contrast to standard braces, SureSmile® aligners can be taken out. This means you can keep eating all the foods you love without thinking about breaking your braces. Take out your aligners for meals and snacks, and then brush your teeth and put them back in afterward.

Fewer Office Visits

Compared to standard braces, SureSmile® treatment usually needs fewer visits to the dentist’s office. This means that you will have to miss less work or school for meetings. At each visit, we’ll give you a few sets of aligners so that you can follow along with your treatment at home.

Why Choose SureSmile® Over Other Clear Aligners?

There are many types of clear aligners on the market, but SureSmile® stands out for some reasons:

  1. Advanced Technology: Some of the most advanced 3D scans and treatment planning software is used by SureSmile®. This makes sure that the teeth are moved precisely and quickly.
  2. Customization: Each SureSmile® aligner is made to fit your teeth exactly, so they are as comfortable and effective as possible.
  3. Experienced Provider Network: Only trained dentists, like us at Dalton Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, can offer SureSmile®. This makes sure that you get the best care possible during your treatment.
  4. Cost-effectiveness: SureSmile® provides excellent outcomes at a more reasonable cost compared to some other top brands.
  5. Proven Results: SureSmile® has a history of giving people great smiles after years of successful dental treatment.

The SureSmile® Process at Dalton Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

  1. First Consultation: To see if SureSmile® is right for you, we’ll look at your teeth and talk about your smile goals.
  2. 3D Imaging: To make a digital model of your teeth, we’ll take thorough 3D scans of them.
  3. Treatment Planning: We’ll use the 3D model to make a personalized treatment plan for you and show you a virtual version of the results we expect.
  4. Customized Aligners: Based on your treatment plan, your personalized SureSmile® aligners will be made.
  5. Get started: This is when you’ll get your first set of braces and learn how to use them.
  6. Check-ups: We’ll keep an eye on your progress by giving you new sets of aligners as needed during regular check-ups.
  7. Show Off Your New Smile: When your treatment is over, you’ll have the perfect, straight smile you’ve always wanted!


SureSmile® clear aligners are a completely new way to fix your teeth. They combine cutting-edge technology with individualized care to give you amazing results. At Dalton Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we’re happy to offer this new treatment to our patients. It makes getting a straighter, healthier smile easier, faster, and less expensive.

When you choose SureSmile®, you’re not just getting your teeth straightened; you’re also investing in your future, your confidence, and your oral health. There is an answer for everyone at SureSmile®, whether you are a teenager starting your first orthodontic journey or an adult wanting to improve your smile.

Now is not the time to let crooked teeth stop you. A SureSmile® appointment with us at Dalton Family & Cosmetic Dentistry is the first thing you should do to get the smile you want. We’re ready to help you change your smile. You can find us at 1006 Professional Blvd, Dalton, GA. Your beautiful smile is ready for you. Let SureSmile® help you get it!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average length of time for SureSmile® treatment?

Treatment duration varies depending on individual needs, but many patients see results in as little as 6-18 months. We’ll provide you a more precise schedule during your meeting, taking into account the particulars of your case.

Is SureSmile® painful?

While getting used to a new set of aligners might be a little uncomfortable at first, SureSmile® is usually thought to be more comfortable than traditional braces. As your teeth get used to the new aligners, any pain you feel at first usually goes away in a few days.

How often do I need to wear my SureSmile® aligners?

For best results, you should wear your SureSmile® aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day, taking them out only to eat, drink (except water), brush your teeth, and floss.

How do I clean my SureSmile® aligners?

Use warm water and a soft toothbrush to clean your braces every day. We’ll give you full care instructions for your aligners so that they stay clean and work well during your treatment.

Is SureSmile® covered by insurance?

SureSmile® is covered by a lot of dental insurance options that cover orthodontic care. At Dalton Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we’ll be happy to check your insurance benefits and talk to you about different ways to pay for your treatment so that it’s as cheap as possible.